Saturday, September 27, 2014

Why Are Farmers Bad People?

Hearing activist groups share information about animal agriculture and farmers might leave a bit of a sour taste in your mouth.  As a consumer, it is hard to figure out how exactly food is raised.  There is a lot of industry jargon to sort through and a lot of information that makes finding the facts much more difficult.  If you're a farmer, you can't believe that someone doesn't trust you to do the best job you can each and every day.

For those of you who want to know more about your food, good for you!  I love living on a farm because I experience how food is grown first hand.  I see the miracle of birth and understand how feeding animals a healthy diet leads to healthy meat for me and my family (yes, we consume the meat we raise so we are responsible for our own health).  Just about every farmer I know wants to talk about what they do.  They love answering questions and want to share why they follow certain procedures.  What better way to get the facts than to ask the person raising your food?